LNADJSML_FLYEROK who’s up for a challenge that will be a lot of fun, will raise money for a great cause and involves being in Ibiza in May? Check out the flyer on this post for all the key details for this year’s Last Night A DJ Saved My Life Foundation Charity Bike Ride. All profit goes to the LNADJSML charity partner to help build homes in Tanzania for vulnerable kids. Get in touch with us here at Velo Club Ibiza or Jonny@lastnightadjsavedmylife.org. Places are strictly limited

Here is a sample route of what can be expected!

Easter Ciclistas

Easter on the Island saw its fair share of great weather, not so great wind but lots of good riding ! The island is currently at it’s most blooming with fields of lush green and swaithes of  yellow and red flowered fields…The summer birds are returning and Swifts, Kestrels and Gulls are a constant companion to every ride…

James from York always tends to bring the sun out, he also brought his old trainnig partner from Barcelona with him Joseba. Here they are in full flight!

James from York always tends to bring the sun out, he also brought his old training partner from Barcelona with him Joseba. Here they are in full flight!

The tail end of the Emisora single track is is hella calmer than the start which is only for the fully committed!

The tail end of the Emisora single track is is hella calmer than the start which is only for the fully committed!

THe caminos begin to fill with the familiar white dust this time of year, Dan from Surrey was used to alot more mud but loved the riding just the same

Tom and Emily head through the finish tunnels of the Vuelta Ibiza MTB race

Tom and Emily head through the finish tunnels being set up for stage 2 of the Vuelta Ibiza MTB race

Iron man Lee from Liverpool is remaping up his bike training for some more endurance events this year...he fully appreciated the quiet roads and great tarmac

Ironman Lee from Liverpool is ramping up his bike training for some more endurance events this year…he fully appreciated the quiet roads and great tarmac

Tom heads home to the lovely "Las Terrassas" in Santa Eularia

Tom heads home to the lovely “Las Terrassas” in Santa Eularia

Father and Son Boyd "discussing" what coffee to have!

Father and Son Boyd “discussing” what coffee to have!

Bruno and Mattheus from Antwerp Belgium were another Father and Son group getting in some quality time!

Bruno and Mattheus from Antwerp Belgium were another Father and Son group getting in some quality time!

James is training for a charity race from St Tropez to Monaco! Such is life!

James is training for a charity race from St Tropez to Monaco! Such is life!

Noel has completed 4200 metres of climbing in a week not bad at all for a 70 yrd old!

Noel has completed 4200 metres of climbing in a week not bad at all for a 70 yrd old!


Ibiza Charity Adventure 22-25 April 2015

IMG_1063Before the GOSH Challenge Ride in May, we are also working with our friends at Walking Ibiza on this years installment of their Ibiza Charity Adventure that happens 22-25 of April 2015.

The adventure is a 250km journey around Ibiza in four days by bike, by kayak and on foot. The participants will raise money for
some wonderful causes on the Island namely:

http://www.apneef.org/en – An Ibiza and Formentera based group working with children who have special educational needs.

http://samasound.org/ – Who use the power of sound and music to offer healing treatments to people suffering from long term illness.

For more info and to donate…go here

Great Ormond Street Hospital Round the Island Cycle Challenge 2015

Screen shot 2015-03-25 at 12.33.24Summer is soon to be upon us and VC Ibiza will be working on some very worthy charity events again this year.

First up we are proud to be working at and providing the bikes, mechanics and local knowledge for the Great Ormond Street Hospital Round the Island Cycle Challenge, which takes place from the 1st to the 4th of May….Some great people with some amazing stories took part last year and we look forward to welcoming you all again this year!

Last years event saw some fantastic weather and the start of some great friendships…

Kayleigh and Lucy Triathlon Training

At the end of Feb VC Ibiza was lucky enough to receive a visit from two of Great Britains brightest young triathlon talents who came over for a week of training and season preparation in Ibiza.

Up towards Cala San Vicent..the sun was shining as it always is

Up towards Cala San Vicent..the sun was shining as it always is

Lucy (Knutsford Tri Club) and Kayleigh (Spalding Tri Club). After our ride they gave themselves 10 minutes to get changed then be ready to go out for a run after which they would do swim training in the pool…. I on the other hand went home and ate some biscuits.

Kayleigh on the climb to San Joan

Kayleigh on the climb to San Joan


Mas vamos chicas y hasta proxima!

Mas vamos chicas y hasta proxima!

Good Luck for the season ladies and we look forward to seeing you out in Ibiza again real soon!


London To Cannes Training !

Alex from Switzerland came out for a week of training in what proved to be a slightly cold (for Ibiza) February!  The sun shone however as we clocked over 7000m of climbing…

Sunny but chilly....heading into Es Canar

Sunny but chilly….heading into Es Canar

We had enormous fun replicating the same shot we took in August. This time with extra clothing

We had enormous fun replicating the same shot we took in August 2014. This time with extra clothing

All in preparation for Alex’s epic charity ride from London to Cannes in March. The Broadgate Estates CYCLE TO MIPIM charity challenge is a 1452km cycling endurance event that runs from the 5-10th of March. The event raises money for the children’s charity http://www.coram.org.uk/

Lets hope the training pays off! Good Luck Alex

Lets hope the training pays off! Good Luck Alex



January, don’t be cold, don’t be angry to me!

Luckily January 2015  has been neither and we’ve been slowly getting back in the saddle between some birthday celebrations!

Not strictly January but New Years Eve...Ruben from Amsterdam takes to the caminos!

Not strictly January but New Years Eve…Ruben from Amsterdam takes to the caminos!

January 1st sea swim Salines

January 1st sea swim Salines

Laurence and Zahid in a cold snap !

Laurence and Zahid in a cold snap !

There is amazing light in the afternoon at this time of year...

There is amazing light in the afternoon at this time of year…

Laurence and steep hill

Laurence and steep hill

San Miquel 20%

San Miquel 20%

Out of Benniras in the winter Sun

Out of Benniras in the winter Sun

Come ride wiv us ! Flight Booking info from UK

Vuelta Cicloturista a Ibiza 2014 y 2015!

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Taking place last weekend across 3 days the Vuelta a Ibiza 2014 was a fantastic event with great weather, tough riding and superb organisation.  After experiencing first hand the event and riding all 3 stages there is no doubt Velo Club Ibiza will be offering accommodation and entry packages for the 2015 event, which takes place on the 5,6 and 7th of December 2015 so pencil it in the diary now!

This years special guest rider was the lovely David Lopez from Team Sky. Here he is with team VCI!

This years special guest rider was the lovely David Lopez from Team Sky. Here he is with team VCI!

The Vuelta Ibiza was held across 3 stages, the first and last being paced tours of the island with a chipped time trial section halfway through each stage, this is where you get to leave everything on the road as you try and get the best time between the 2 timing stations. The format works really well and offers that little bit more competition (for those that want it!) than the “Sportive” format so popular in the UK. The roads are totally closed by the Gurda Civil for the peloton to move through the island with no fear of traffic.


Riders gather in San Antonio for the start of Day 1

Stage one was a 75k tour of the west coast beginning in San Antonio marina and finishing in Ibiza town the time trial section was 4k climb up into the Benimussa countryside coming in from the west coast.


Riders head into Ibiza town at the end of Day 1

The 2nd stage incorporates the stand alone event the Cursa De S’Indoit (The race of the Turkey) the winner of which receives a live turkey as the prize.
900x300xcabecera_pavo_new.png.pagespeed.ic.QLqrB-LKmUFor those that want to compete the “competitivo” race is a flat out 42km dash out from Ibiza town up to Santa Eularia across to San Carlos then back down at breakneck speeds into Ibiza Town and the finish along the port front.  This years race broke all records pace wise and my Strava time is slightly off as my average was 43kph for the 42km. There are of course more sedate groups for all levels.IMG_5678











Stage 3 Picked up where stage 1 and 2 finished beginning in Ibiza town and hugging the east coast right up to Cala San Vicent where the 200 strong group headed along the north coast via the beautiful but painful 6km climb into San Joan which was to be todays time trial section after a food stop in San Joan the peloton then made for the finish in San Antonio via the numerous 3rand 4th category climbs out of Portinatx, San Miquel and Santa Agnes.

VC Ibiza provided the bikes for Team Project trusts Charity Ride on Day 3 of the Vuelta! Here are the team at the sign in

VC Ibiza provided the bikes for Team Project Trust’s 100k Charity Ride on Day 3

Day 3 - Riders climb out of Cala Mestalla on the east coast

Day 3 – Riders climb out of Cala Mestalla on the east coast

Heading toward the rather brutal ramps out of Benirras to Port De San Miquel

Heading toward the rather brutal ramps out of Benirras to Port De San Miquel

The event was rounded off with a rather fantastic BBQ and presentations for the numerous prize categories winners!

The BBQ at the finish on Day 3

The BBQ at the finish on Day 3


Ibiza resident and Master 40 Category 7th place Mr Leigh Adamson enjoys his recovery meal

Ibiza resident and Master 40 Category 7th place Mr Leigh Adamson enjoys his recovery meal


Congrats to all the category winners! Viva la Vuelta

Congrats to all the category winners! Viva la Vuelta

Full Results  of the event can be found on the Elitechip.net website here